📍🗞️Curated News Channel🗞️📍
☑️ Variable Ideological News
🛀😪🧼 Prevents filter bubbles
☑️ New Statistical Methodology
🧮📊📈 Prevents manipulation
☑️ Security & Privacy Conscious
🔐🕵️♀️🛡️ Leave no footprint
☑️ Maximize Learning
🏫👨🎓👩🏫 Utilize surprise; not outrage
☑️ Decentralized News Curation
💫🌐🪆 Verifed with no referrals
This is a free preview of the main Curated News Application available on Google Play, Amazon, and the Apple Store. It is a public channel so it can be audited in real-time with or without the Telegram App.